Secondary Education Master’s Courses

University of Bridgeport’s Secondary Education program will produce passionate, professional educators who are:

  • Knowledgeable about subject matter content
  • Skillful in creating meaningful learning environments
  • Committed to inquiry
  • Responsive to the developmental needs of all students

As a graduate of the Secondary Education MS or Sixth-Year Certificate program, you will be prepared to:

  1. Plan lessons according to State and National guidelines
  2. Demonstrate appropriate content knowledge in designated subject areas
  3. Pass Praxis II content knowledge for secondary subject areas
  4. Pass the edTPA performance assessment
  5. Exhibit High Leverage Teaching Practices
  6. Exhibit pedagogical knowledge appropriate to secondary classrooms
  7. Differentiate instruction to suit the needs of a wide variety of students and students with special needs

View all courses offered and read full course descriptions in our online course catalog system.

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